December 2021 Community Newsletter
Happy Holidays
We wish you a most wonderful Holiday Season and Happy New Year! Our offices will be closed December 23, 24, 30, and 31st in celebration of the holidays.
Thank you
Thank you to Shawna Green and all those that participated in the Thanksgiving Food Drive. Our community was able to feed 32 families. It’s so great to see the amount of generosity and kindness within our neighborhood.
Dues are being sent out now, and are due by January 31st. The dues increased $25, for the year to help with the increase in expenses and to help build reserves. The total annual dues are $630. To help with the increase we’ve also broken the dues up into semi-annual payments, so half ($315) will be due in January, and the second half will be due in July.
Enforcement Policy
In your billing you will receive a copy of the new Enforcement Policy. While our mission will still be to work with residents as much as we can, the community needs a way to address situations when all efforts have been exhausted. The policy will take effect in January, and will also be posted online for reference.
Upcoming Events
December 23-24: Christmas, Brighton Offices Closed
December 30-31: New Years, Brighton Offices Closed
Categorised in: Newsletter
This post was written by Brighton Corporation