Our Blog

January 2022 Community Newsletter

January 14, 2022 4:28 pm


Dues statements have been sent out, and are due by January 31st. The total annual dues are $630. To help with the increase residents may break the dues up into semi-annual payments, so half ($315) will be due now in January, and the second half will be due in July. If you choose this option and pay the $315 now, you will receive a reminder statement in June as a reminder to pay the 2nd half in July.

Enforcement Policy

With your dues, was a copy of the new Enforcement Policy. While our mission will still be to work with residents as much as we can, the community needs a way to address situations when all efforts have been exhausted. The policy will take effect in January, and will also be posted online for reference.

Pet Etiquette

We still get complaints from time to time about pet waste in the common areas and pets not on leashes. Please be responsible owners and make sure you have a leash and bag when walking your furry friend.

Community Events

All community events have been the result of some amazing neighbors having an idea and putting it in motion. If you have any event ideas and are willing to do a little work, please reach out to hoa@brightoncorp.com, and we can assist in getting your event going.

Upcoming Events

May – Pools Open

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This post was written by Brighton Corporation



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